
Please note speakers and talk titles may change. This page will be updated to reflect any changes.


Professor Janice Fiamengo “Calling a Moratorium on Women’s Tears: How Women Use Damselling to Manipulate Men, and Why Men Must Resist It.”

Janice is a Canadian writer and the creator of The Fiamengo File Substack article series and the Fiamengo File 1.0 and Fiamengo File 2.0 video series at Studio Brulé. She is a retired professor of English and advocate for men’s issues, free speech, and western culture. She taught literature for 20 years, latterly at the University of Ottawa, and is the author of The Woman’s Page (2007), a study of early Canadian female journalists. She has also published online articles criticizing feminism and political correctness in magazines such as PJ Media and FrontPage Magazine. She lives in Vancouver with her husband, the poet and songwriter David Solway.

Janice was a participant in the weekly video series Regarding Men with Paul Elam and Tom Golden.

She was the third guest on the Justice for Men & Boys Gender Matters video series. The playlist of the series is here.

Janice appeared at the following events:

2016, London – How Feminism is Destroying Higher Education
2018, London – The Demonization of Young Men: Campus Sexual Misconduct Tribunals
2019, Chicago – Why We Need Male-Positive Histories (keynote)
2020, online – We Must Stop Anti-Male Indoctrination of Boys
2021, online – Covid-19 is a Men’s Issue


Mike Buchanan “Pandering to Women’s Demands is Destroying Western Civilisation”

Mike was a business consultant before he took early retirement in 2009 to become a Men’s Rights Activist. He leads Justice for Men & Boys (J4MB) which was a political party over 2013-23. He’s pro-life, an authorpublisher, photographer, drone pilot, cruciverbalist and runs a website he launched in 2020, Laughing at Feminists. The latest of his 10 books is Feminism: The Ugly Truth (2016).

Mike worked as a consultant for the Conservative party (2006-8). Whilst there he developed a new model for the formerly loss-making annual conferences which delivered a profit of £11.5 million to the party over 2007-14. Details here. He considers it a scandal that the party has never offered him a peerage in recognition of his financial contributions. Not being one to hold grudges, he’s still prepared to accept the title of Baron Buchanan of Bedford.

In 2012 he launched Campaign for Merit in Business, publicising the evidence of a causal link between appointing more women to corporate boards and declines in financial performance. In the same year he presented that evidence to House of Commons and House of Lords inquiries.

The J4MB YouTube channel is here, the playlists here.

He hosted the International Conferences on Men’s Issues (ICMIs) held at London Excel in 2016 and 2018, and was the main organizer of the 2020, 2021 and 2024 online conferences. He is responsible for online ICMIs.

Mike appeared at the following events:

International Conferences on Men’s Issues

2014, Detroit – Speech
2016, London – The Political War on Men and Boys
2017, Gold Coast, Australia – Let’s Get Visible – Beyond Keyboard Activism
2018, London – Equal Rights for Men and Women
2019, Chicago – Feminism Sows the Seeds of its own Destruction – Building the Men’s Rights Movement (panel discussion)
2020, online – Women Fail to Compete Successfully Against Men, And Why They Will Always Fail
2021, online – Women’s Rights v Others’ Rights, Abortion, Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders

Messages 4 Men (London)

2017 – Male Genital Mutilation
2018 – Speech
2019 – Abortion is a Men’s Issue, too

Domestic Abuse is a Men’s Issue, Too (National Conference on Men’s Issues, 2020)


Paul Elam “Why Men Shouldn’t Marry”

Paul is American and one of the most widely recognized advocates for men and boys worldwide. Coming from a background in the mental health industry in the 1990s, he noticed several areas in which men were effectively discriminated against compared with women. Primary among these was the problem of domestic violence and the exclusion from shelters and support services for male victims.

For the next two decades Paul worked within the system, trying to address this and other disparities in the treatment of men and boys. In advocating for solutions, he often found his efforts frustrated by feminist ideologues and ingrained misandry in the mental health professions.

In 2009, having concluded that working within the mental health system was untenable, he founded A Voice for Men (AVfM), now the undisputed flagship of the men’s rights movement online. AVFM has been covered by worldwide media and has been subjected to repeated attacks by the same. The organization is now led by Robert Brockway, an Australian.

In 2014, Paul hosted an International Conference on Men’s Issues (ICMI), the first in a series of conferences. It was met with death threats from feminist ideologues but nonetheless developed into an iconic event with a worldwide footprint. ICMI has since been hosted in four continents – North America, Europe, Australasia, Asia – gathering speakers, thought leaders and attendees from across the planet.

He launched An Ear for Men (AEfM) in 2015.

Paul has authored and co-authored several books on men’s issues, including Men. Women. Relationships. Surviving the Plague of Modern MasculinitySay Goodbye to CrazyRed Pill Psychology and Go Your Own Way. Understanding MGTOW

In recent years, Paul’s work has turned back to the world of mental health. Through his website he provides mental health and life coaching services to men who have been adversely affected by issues unique to the lives of men and boys. This includes individual counselling and counselling groups through internet platforms.

Paul was a participant in two video series – Regarding Men (a weekly series with Professor Janice Fiamengo and Tom Golden) and You Can’t Make This Shit Up! (an occasional series with Tom Golden).

Paul’s videos posted before late April 2020, including Regarding Men, can be found on YouTube. He was the first guest on the Justice for Men & Boys Gender Matters video series. The playlist of the series is here.

Paul was one of the organizers of ICMI20. He appeared at the following events:

International Conferences on Men’s Issues  

2014 (Detroit) – Speech, introduced by Dr Warren Farrell
2016 (London) – Gynocentrism – The Root of Feminism
2017 (Gold Coast, Australia) – Conference Opening by Paul Elam and Robert Brockway
2018 (London) – The Men’s Movement: Personal and Political – Paul Elam’s Churchill Award, Presented by Mike Buchanan and Elizabeth Hobson
2019 (Chicago) – Three panel discussions – Building the Men’s Rights Movement – Psychology’s War on Men – Red Pill Cast
2020 (online) – My 2020 Vision for the Men’s Rights Movement (keynote, interview with Elizabeth Hobson and Mike Buchanan)
2021 (online) – ICMI21, the future of J4MB, abortion, Foetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders… (discussion with Mike Buchanan)

Gerry Alexander “Feminism’s Role in Population Control”

Gerry, an Irishman, has worked in several countries throughout his career in public service. He now lives in perfect retirement in Croatia where he enjoys the company of friends and the madness of feminists. 

His work includes a video piece titled The Gender Maturity Gap (ICMI2020) in which he argued that the pathway to maturity for young women has been captured by agents of the consumer corporate complex and that feminists have collaborated in that capture. 

In another piece titled The Garden of Eve (ICMI 2021) he argued that there is a rationale to the classical virtues which has been swamped by our modern culture of personal identity, and that this loss has been harmful to people and damaging to society.

He is a subscriber to the XY Crew all-men weekly meetings, and credits the group with motivating him to create his talks and videos.

Gerry appeared at the following events:

International Conferences on Men’s Issues

2020, online – The Gender Maturity Gap
2021, online – The Garden of Eve

Professor Stephen Baskerville “The Men’s Marriage Strike Threatens the Political Class”

Stephen is American and serves as President of the Inter-American Institute for Philosophy, Politics, and Social Thought and is past president of the American Coalition for Fathers and Children. He is former Professor of Government at Patrick Henry College and has taught political science at other universities in the US and Europe. He was Research Fellow at the Howard Center for Family, Religion, and Society and the Independent Institute and has held two Fulbright scholarships. He now teaches at a University in Poland.

His books include Who Lost America? Why the United States Went “Communist” – and What to Do about It (Arktos Media, 2024), A Gentleman’s Guide to Manners, Sex, and Rulin\g the World: How to Survive as a Man in the Age of Misandry – and Do So with Grace (Sophia Institute Press, 2021), The New Politics of Sex: The Sexual Revolution, Civil Liberties, and the Growth of Governmental Power (Angelico, 2017), and Taken Into Custody: The War against Fathers, Marriage, and the Family (Cumberland House, 2007).

Baskerville is widely recognized as a leading authority on fatherhood, family policy, and sexual politics. His writings have been published in the Washington PostWashington TimesIndependent ReviewSalisbury Review, SocietyThe American ConservativeChronicles, Political Science and PoliticsTouchstoneHuman EventsWomen’s QuarterlyCatholic World ReportCrisisInsightThe Family in AmericaFamily Policy ReviewAmerican SpectatorThe SpectatorThe American EnterpriseNational ReviewLibertyLewRockwell.comThe New Presence, and others. His work has also been published by major public policy think tanks including the National Center for Policy Analysis, Institute for Policy Innovation, Howard Center for Family, Religion, and Society, and the Heartland Institute.

His media appearances include The O’Reilly FactorHardball with Chris MatthewsThe Dennis Prager ShowThe Michael Medved ShowCourt TVThink Tank with Ben WattenbergExtension 720 with Milt RosenbergJanet Parshall’s America, and others.

He serves on the boards of many organizations, including the Men’s Health Network, the Equal Justice Foundation, the Ruth Institute, The Legal Culture journal (Warsaw), Gendercide Watch (a human rights organization), and In Search of Fatherhood journal.

His recent publications are available at www.stephenbaskerville.com.

Stephen appeared at the following event:

International Conference on Men’s Issues

2021, online – Interview with Mike Buchanan and William Collins

William Collins “Feminism, Cultural Collapse and the Rise of Authoritarianism in the West”

William, a semi-retired engineer and physicist, blogs on men’s issues on The Illustrated Empathy Gap and is the author of the books The Empathy Gap: Male Disadvantages and the Mechanisms of Their Neglect (2019) and The Destructivists: How moral usurpation is being used to control us and change every aspect of life without our consent (2022).

He is a Trustee of the Welsh charity FNF-Both Parents Matter Cymru.

William appeared at the following events:

International Conferences on Men’s Issues

2018, London – Men and Boys in the UK: Edited Lowlights
2020, online – Men and Boys: Updated Lowlights
2021, online – Moral Usurpation: Understanding Our Predicament

Messages 4 Men (London)

2018 – Woozling Shared Parenting
2019 – Equality, History, Needs and Justice (keynote)

Domestic Violence is a Men’s Issue, Too (National Conference on Men’s Issues, 2020)

Families Need Fathers – Both Parents Matter Cymru survey of male victims of domestic abuse

John Deighan “Abortion is a Men’s Issue”

John Deighan has been the Chief Executive Officer of the Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (SPUC) since September 2021. Prior to that he was the CEO of SPUC Scotland since April 2015. The organisation focuses on the right to life and issues around supporting a culture of life.

John is married to Angela and they have seven children, one son and six daughters. They also have three grandsons. John has spent many years working on family issues, in particular for the Bishops’ Conference of Scotland during the years of constant attacks on the understanding of the family through the Scottish Parliament.

He was awarded a papal knighthood, of the Order of St Gregory, from Pope Francis following his 16 years of service with the Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Scotland.

He worked in this role from June 1999 and also dealt with a variety of ethical issues raised in government policy and legislation particularly in relation to bioethical issues and human rights.

He organised successful campaigns against assisted suicide and euthanasia Bills in the Scottish Parliament. He was also involved in directing the Scotland for Marriage campaign.

Prior to his role with the bishops, John worked as a computing lecturer specialising in project management and systems analysis and design. He began his career as an engineer with Babcock Energy, testing nuclear reactors, and Rolls Royce, working in aero-engine development.

He studied for a BSc (Hons) in Physics at Paisley College, a Information Technology Systems at Strathclyde University and a LLM in Human Rights Law at Strathclyde University.

His dissertation for his master’s degree in human rights law examined the human rights aspects of the Tony Bland case in which a young man in a persistent vegetative state was dehydrated to bring about his death following a court ruling.

He has held a number of positions including those of a director of the Scottish Bible Society, a member of the Europe and Middle East Board of the United Bible Society, a member of the Joint Faiths Board on Community Justice, a member of the Scottish Churches Social Inclusion Network, Vice President of the Catholic Union of Great Britain and a member of the Church of Scotland’s Society, Religion and Technology Group.

He also served as a member of the Scottish Government’s Working Group on Nuclear Weapons and its Faith Liaison Group over a period of many years.

Elizabeth Hobson “The Last Of The Human Freedoms – The Choice To Go One’s Own Way”

Justice for Men & Boys – J4MB – thanks Tom Caulfield, its Technical Director, for the above picture, one of a large number taken in the Patriarchy Council HQ in London in 2019.

In May 2018 J4MB was delighted to announce Elizabeth’s appointment as Director of Communications. She was already a well-known and highly-respected Men’s Rights Activist.

In May 2020 she was appointed the party leader, her first video on becoming leader is here (8:03). She resigned in March 2021 because a new job meant she didn’t have the necessary time and energy to lead the party. Mike Buchanan resumed the role.

She is the mother of two boys. She calls herself an anti-feminist Gender Equality Activist, and she’s worked with The Liberty Belles and Ladies for Philip Davies, as well as being a key member of the organising team for the highly successful March for Men / Messages for Men conferences in London in 2017, 2018 and 2019. Video playlists for the conferences are here.

Her areas of particular interest include the family and fathers’ rights, domestic abuse, MGM, feminism and freedom. Elizabeth wants to end the Sex War – artificially constructed by feminists – and pursue a more just society based on classical liberal values such as liberty, equality and meritocracy.

She co-hosted the Gender Matters series with Mike Buchanan, J4MB’s founder and leader (2013-20, 2021- ). Guests have included Dr Warren Farrell, Paul Elam. Professor Janice Fiamengo, Professor Gerard Casey and Tom Golden. The video playlist of the series is here.

The J4MB YouTube channel is here, the playlists here.

Elizabeth’s personal YouTube channel is here, her Facebook site here.

Elizabeth is currently involved with the British charity Parity and the advocacy group Men and Women Working Together, organisations seeking reform based on the principle that governments have a responsibility to safeguard citizens from sex discrimination.

She spoke at the following events:

International Conferences on Men’s Issues  

2018 (London) – Activating the Non-Feminist Sector / Paul Elam’s Churchill Award, presented by Elizabeth Hobson and Mike Buchanan

2020, online – The Power of Stories

She hosted the following event, in addition to co-hosting the Messages 4 Men Conferences in London (2017-19). 

Domestic Violence is a Men’s Issue, Too (National Conference on Men’s Issues, 2020)

The links between domestic abuse and other men’s issues